Program Agenda
Boston Course in Obesity Medicine is offering a live-in person and livestreamed professional education
The program presented below represents 2024 program.
Boston Course in Obesity Medicine: Obesity Treatment 2024
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Session 1: Introduction to Obesity Care
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
8:00 8:15 Welcome and Introduction Course Directors
8:15 9:30 Obesity in 2024: The Evolution of Obesity Care Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
9:30 10:00 Healthcare Disparities in Obesity Treatment Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH
10:00 10:30 Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Kaplan & Stanford
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
Session 2: Assessment and Treatment of Obesity
Moderator: Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD
11:00 11:30 Initial Assessment of the Patient with Obesity W. Scott Butsch, MD, MS
11:30 12:00 Lifestyle-based Obesity Treatment Sriram Machineni, MD
12:00 12:30 Overview of Pharmacological Treatment of Obesity Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD
12:30 1:00 Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Butsch, Machineni & Jastreboff
1:00 3:00 Lunch Break
Workshop 1A: Case-based Workshop: Anti-obesity Medications 1: Practical Approaches to Anti-Obesity Medications
Sriram Machineni, MD; Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD
3:00 4:00 Case Presentations
4:00 4:30 Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Machineni, Jastreboff
Workshop 1B: Case-based Workshop: Communicating about Obesity: Patient Advocacy, Referrals & Provider Education
Caroline M. Apovian, MD, Rekha Kumar, MD, MS
Case Presentations
Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Apovian & Kumar
Workshop 1C: Recent Developments in the Biology of Obesity
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Environmental Contributors to Obesity Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Genetic Contributors to Obesity Agostina M. Santoro-Schulte,PhD
Circadian Rhythms and Obesity Frank Scheer, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Kaplan, Santoro-Schulte, Scheer
Workshop 1D: Medical Impact of Obesity I: Treating Obesity to Treat Cardiovascular Disease
Treating Obesity for CVD Prevention Jorge Plutzky, MD
Treating Obesity to Treat Atrial Fibrillation Jorge Plutzky, MD
Treating Obesity to Treat Heart Failure Filipe Moura, MD, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Plutzky & Moura
4:45 5:15 Coffee Break
Obesity Medicine Interhospital Rounds
Moderator: W. Scott Butsch, MD
5:15 6:45 Case Presentations Obesity Medicine Fellows, TBD
Friday, June 14, 2024
Session 3: George L. Blackburn Foundation Lecture
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
8:00 8:05 Introduction to the George L. Blackburn Foundation Lecture Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
8:05 9:00 Blackburn Foundation Lecture
9:00 9:30 Break
Session 4: The Pathophysiology of Obesity
Moderator: Ania Jastreboff, MD, PhD
9:30 10:00 The Pathophysiology of Obesity: An Overview Nadia N. Ahmad, MD, MPH
10:00 10:30 Physiology of the Hypoadiposity State Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
10:30 11:00 Obesity Heterogeneity and Precision Obesity Care Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
11:00 11:30 Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Kaplan & Ahmad
11:30 11:45 Break
Session 5: Weight Bias and Stigma
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
11:45 12:15 The Impact of Obesity on the Practice of Medicine Caroline M. Apovian, MD
12:15 12:45 Weight Bias and Healthcare Scott Kahan, MD
12:45 1:10 The Future of Obesity Prevention Theodore Kyle, RPh
1:10 1:30 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Apovian, Kahan & Kyle
1:30 2:45 Lunch Break
Workshop 2A: Anti-obesity Medications II: Advanced Strategies in Special Populations
Sriram Machineni, MD, Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD
2:45 3:45 Case Presentations
3:45 4:15 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Machineni & Purnell
4:15 4:30 Break
Workshop 2B: Medical Consequences of Obesity II: Treating Obesity to Treat Diabetes, NAFLD & Renal Disease
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Treating Obesity to Treat Cancer Justin Brown, PhD
Treating Obesity to Treat NAFLD Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Treating Obesity to Treat Renal Disease Katherine Tuttle, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Brown, Kaplan & Tuttle
Workshop 3A: Medical Consequences of Obesity III: Treating Obesity to Treat Sleep Apnea, Infertility & Cancer
4:30 5:00 Treating Obesity to Treat Sleep Apnea James Mojica, MD
5:00 5:30 Treating Obesity to Treat Infertility Chloe Zera, MD
5:30 6:00 Treating Obesity to Treat Diabetes Marie McDonnell, MD
6:00 6:15 Panel Discussion/Q&A
Workshop 3B: Optimizing Obesity Care
Promoting Mental Health in Patients with Obesity Thomas Wadden, PhD
Promoting Physical Health in Patients with Obesity John Jakicic, PhD
Promoting Nutritional Health in Patients with Obesity Jessica Shapiro, RD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Wadden, Jakicic and Shapiro
Workshop 3C: Special Topics in Obesity Medicine
Dietary Supplements and Obesity Steven B. Heymsfield, MD
The Language of Obesity Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Optimizing Access to Obesity Care Sarah Finn, MD
Panel Discussion / Q&A Drs. Heymsfield, Kaplan & Finn
Saturday, June 15, 2024
Session 6: Surgical Treatment of Obesity
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
8:00 8:30 Physiology of Bariatric Surgery Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
8:30 9:00 Surgical Treatment of Obesity: Past, Present and Future Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD
9:00 9:30 Endoscopic Treatment of Obesity Richard I. Rothstein, MD
9:30 10:00 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs Kaplan, Nimeri & Rothstein
10:00 10:30 Break
Session 7: Pediatric Assessment and Management
Moderator: Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
10:30 11:00 Assessment of the Pediatric Patient with Obesity Claudia K. Fox, MD, MPH
11:00 11:30 Use of Anti-obesity Medications in Children and Adolescents Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, MPH
11:30 12:00 Bariatric Surgery in Adolescents Thomas Inge, MD, PhD
12:00 12:30 Panel Discussion / Q & A Drs. Fox, Jastreboff & Inge
12:30 2:30 Lunch Break
Workshop 4A: Case-based Workshop: Medical Management of Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery: Addressing Suboptimal Response to Surgery
Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD, Katherine Saunders, MD
2:30 3:30 Case Presentations
3:30 4:00 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Butsch & Saunders
Workshop 4B: Case-based Workshop Pediatric Assessment
Wesley Dutton, MD, Claudia K. Fox, MD, MPH, Aaron Kelly PhD
2:30 3:30 Case Presentations
3:30 4:00 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Dutton Fox & Kelly
Workshop 4C: Organization of Obesity Care
Models of Obesity Care Donna Ryan, MD
Strategies for Patient Centered Obesity Care Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
The Role of the Obesity Medicine Specialist Katherine Saunders, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Ryan & Kaplan
4:15 4:30 Break
Workshop 5A: Case-based Workshop Pediatric Management
Wesley Dutton, MD, Claudia K. Fox, MD, MPH, Aaron Kelly PhD
4:30 5:30 Case Presentations
5:30 6:00 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Dutton, Fox & Kelly
Workshop 5B: Case-based Workshop: Medical Management of Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery Part I: Surgical Complications
Shelby Sullivan, MD, Christopher C. Thompson, MD
Case Presentations
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Sullivan & Thompson
Workshop 5C: Obesity Science for the Clinician
Overview of Data Interpretation Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Design and Interpretation of Obesity Trials Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
Course Reception - Saturday June 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Royal Sonesta Hotel Riverside Terrace
Sunday, June 16, 2024
Session 8: Dietary Therapies and Obesity
Moderator: Caroline M. Apovian, MD
8:00 8:30 Drug-induced Obesity Louis Aronne, MD
8:30 9:00 Diet Composition and Obesity Caroline M. Apovian, MD
9:00 9:30 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs Apovian & Aronne
9:30 11:00 Coffee Break
Workshop 6A: The Future of Obesity Care
Moderator Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
11:00 11:45 The Futre of Medical Care for Obesity Lee M. Kaplan, MD, PhD
11:45 12:15 The Future of Interventional Therapies Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD
12:15 12:45 Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Kaplan & Nimeri
Workshop 6B: The Future of Endoscopic Therapy for Obesity
Richard I. Rothstein, MD, Shelby Sullivan, MD, Christopher Thompson, MD
Case Presentations
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Rothstein, Sullivan & Thompson
Workshop 6C: Exercise Counseling for Obesity
Exercise for Metabolic Disease John Jakicic, PhD
Implementing Exercise Therapies in Practice Edward Phillips, MD
Panel Discussion/Q&A Drs. Jakicic & Phillips
Workshop 6D: Medical Consequences of Obesity IV: Diagnostic Testing, Orthopedics & Mental Health
Impact of Obesity on Screening, Imaging, ad Diagnostic Testing Katherine Saunders, MD
Treating Obesity in Patients with Orthopedic Disorders Ali Tavakkoli, MD
Treating Obesity to Enhance Mental Health Mark Gorman, PhD
Panel Discussion/Q&A